Change is Hard

No matter where we are in the journey, simply know that we have the ability to make the best of the situation. That may sound "overly optimistic", or like the suggestion is to bury your head and not worry with it. That's not the point here. But whether you're ready to hear this or not - how to proceed forward here is 💯 up to you. As they say - we can let it make us or break us.

“It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.”― Tyler Durden Fight Club

I don't know about you, but I'm not one to roll over and do nothing... So, permit me a recommendation - why not instead challenge yourself to look at the situation as objectively as possible and break down the issues one-by-one? Just about every time we get faced with a new challenge, the solution continues to be finding creative ways to break down the problem into the smallest quantifiable pieces. Sounding boards with close friends and family are always a great idea - you're not alone here.

Then identify - what can be controlled vs. what is outside of the realm of possibility? What are your best options to attack those problems? The logic part is easy here. Trust your gut - when talking through this with folks I often find that they already "know" what they need to do what their options are intuitively are already. However consider putting this on paper to outline the options more succinctly. 

Last but not least - execute. Choose the best options. Yes - even if your only option is to accept the problem. This may seem reductive. Maybe it is. At the end of the day if we remove all the bullshit excuses, complaints, and the like - this what we all must do on rinse/wash/repeat to get from where we are, to where we want to be.

It will be difficult, embrace it. We are all stronger than we know - hell we've come this far! Continue choosing to rise to the challenge. Make friends with the difficult times. Take joy in rising to the occasion and finding ways to adapt and overcome. Use this time to affirm who you are or reinvent yourself should you wish.

You've got this! 💪

Photo Credit = @dailystoic

So - What Is "Soon"?

So it's already been several weeks (months?) since the the first coming soon post was created below. Turns out "soon" Is a pretty subjective term ;-)

It's funny (OK maybe not THAT funny) how much of a grind the days can be, and yet how quickly the weeks and months can fly by isn't it? As if anyone ever thought being a parent wasn't hard enough - rewarding as it is - try doing it single handedly! 

So a huge shout out to all the single dads out their doing their thing to balance it all... Kids, work, finances, chores, fitness, and oh yeah - finding time for yourself to relax or for goodness sake - investing in yourself or finding time to play! 

All I can say is - from my end I'll commit to doing better, to get this ball rolling - to post regularly. It's my hope to provide helpful tips and tricks to anyone going through this critical juncture in life. Whether you're just starting out, years in, or near the tail end of the divorced dad journey I hope you find some value In these excerpts.

More to come... "soon"!

Coming Soon...

More to come, this Is just the beginning!